General Advice

How to Get A Sports Betting Internship (2024)

How to get an internship in sports betting in 2024

I get it, landing an internship is not easy.

As we enter one of the most intense job markets of all time, the chance of landing an internship feels more and more out of reach than ever before.

And with artificial intelligence on the rise, it doesn’t feel any easier.

That’s where this post will come in handy.

Throughout college, I’m really lucky to say I’ve had four internships—one for every semester during school.

And I’m going to show you exactly how I did it and how you can land one in the sports betting industry—one of the fastest-growing industries in the United States that is hiring heavily.

You ready? Let’s dive in.

Types of Sports Betting Internships

Before jumping in, let’s understand the types of internships available and the types of companies hiring.

Paid vs. Unpaid

Yes, some companies don’t pay their interns. It depends on the companies’ resources and policies. Paid internships are usually for companies with larger budgets or the students are a bit older. So, don’t be too worried to be paid as a freshman. Junior and senior year? More likely.

Regardless, unpaid internships are a great way to get into the door and build the base for your working career. My first internship was an unpaid summer and fall internship in Boston, and this internship alone helped me land my next internship the following summer.

Let’s think about it—odds are if you’re willing to accept an unpaid internship, that indicates you’re pretty serious about the role and the employer will recognize that. 

On-Site, Remote, & Hybrid

On-site internships are great if you go to school in a major city with hubs for sports betting companies like New York City, Boston, Atlanta, etc. But more importantly, they offer more face-to-face interaction which I believe is extremely important for young people like you and me. 

Being in person allows you to quickly ask questions, bounce ideas with other people in the office, and get a feeling for the culture of the firm. This is nearly impossible to accomplish in a remote world and is super critical as you begin to figure out what you’re interested in.

However, if you’re eager, fully remote roles are good too. They are more flexible and convenient and can be a great way to (hopefully) make some extra money and log some experience. And lastly, as the same says, hybrid is a mix of remote and on-site.

From my experience, most of the massive companies like FanDuel and alike offer on-site and hybrid internships. Of course, there are exceptions, but startups are more open-minded to fully remote roles.

Click here for remote sports betting internships

Full-Time vs. Part Time

Full-time internships (FT) usually require 40 hours/week and, if at a larger company, typically offer a more well-rounded training program. These usually occur during the summer or semesters/quarters off from school (ie.Northeastern University’s co-op program).

FT internships, if it’s timed correctly, provide a higher chance of converting into full-time jobs after graduation. Examples of sports betting companies that offer summer internships which can turn into full-time jobs are Barstool Sports, GeoComply, and FanDuel, which recently converted its summer interns into full-time hires.

Part-time internships (PT) offer flexibility and a lighter workload, ideal for students balancing coursework. I did a part-time internship during my sophomore and junior years, and not only was I paid, but I also gained valuable insights into myself and the professional world. Typically ranging from 5-20 hours a week, these internships allow students to explore new fields while keeping the summer free for a more intensive internship if they're still undecided about their interests.

Plus, if you do well, these internships can turn into a full-time summer role. Overall, if you can handle the extra workload, PT internships are a great bet.

What kinds of companies are hiring PT internships? Typically, this will be startups as big companies have more rigid and standardized hiring processes. Names like Sleeper and Midnite may be more likely to offer part-time internships.

Now that we’ve established the internships available, I’ll explain you exactly how to snag that coveted internship.

How to Land the Internship

There are four key pillars to landing that dream sports betting internship.

1. Identify The Specific Job

The sports betting world has an array of jobs across departments.

The sports betting industry offers diverse job opportunities, from common roles like marketing, software engineering, and accounting to unique positions in responsible gaming, risk and trading, and in-person betting.

You may already know the exact role you’re looking for. If so, you can skip to #2.

But if not, narrow down your niche in the sports betting industry, let’s start by reflecting. Open a blank Google Doc or a notepad, and ask yourself the following:

What classes do you enjoy? Do you like more quantitative classes? Creative ones? Business strategy courses?

What activities did you love as a kid? What kind of fun projects did you like tackling growing up if any?

Even better—what do you not enjoy? This can help you filter out the options to get you close to what you want.

Remember, it is 100% totally fine if you don’t know exactly what you want to do. Your young and that’s what college is for! But don’t be passive. Be aggressive about figuring this out because no one will do it for you. As long as you’re actively trying, that is the first step.

#2 Master the Industry Jargon

Understanding the industry trends and news in the betting world will help you form a perspective on not just what’s happening, but also it’ll signal to you what companies are growing (aka hiring!)

Plus, knowing recent developments will help you be prepared in case you land an interview and grasp the industry jargon.

Some great places to stay in the loop on sports betting news:

Customize Your Resume

When applying, make sure your resume is tailored to the exact role and the keywords in the listing.

This will help you get through the AI systems that scan resumes. Also, it will help hiring managers easily see that you match the role they are looking to fill.

For example, if an internship posting says “Looking for someone who is data-driven and proficient in Microsoft Excel”, have a resume bullet that say shows you used data to make decisions.

This could be: Analyzed and synthetized marketing data using advanced Microsoft Excel formulas to identify content opportunities for the growth team to target on search traffic, leading to 10% increase in website traffic.

See what we did here? Now when a recruiter or computer sees your resume, they will know you satisfy the role.

Plus, be sure to use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, and Result). You want to express what you were doing, how and why you did it, and the yielded results, ideally with a number.

Other things to focus on are:

  • Relevant Coursework: If you took a sports-related class, definitely add that.
  • Formatting & Grammar: Ruthlessly check if your resume is free of formatting issues and grammar mistakes. Run it through ChatGPT to reword bullets, and have a trustworthy friend review it afterwards.
  • Action Words: Use strong action verbs to start your bullets.
  • STAR & Quantify Everything: As mentioned above, Always have a number in your bullets and aim to use the STAR method. It will make your work week more tangible to recruiters

Next, companies want to hire budding leaders, so it is important to include any extracurricular activities, on-campus jobs, or leadership positions. This includes things but not limited to:

  • Student Organizations & Fraternities
  • Varsity or Club Athletic Teams
  • Off-Campus Organizations
  • Non-Profit Work

I won’t spend too much time on resumes because there are tons of other articles out there about it, but now we’ll explore the most important part of landing your internship: building relationships.

Forming Relationships

I hate the word “networking.” It feels transactional and cringe. I prefer to treat this as relationship building because at its core, you want to be authentic and provide value to others, not being a wheeler and dealer. This mindset and activity alone are what got me every single internship and my full-time job at FanDuel.

Let me explain.

There are thousands of other college students trying to land that special internship at ABC popular company. 

Odds are, you’re like me. You didn’t go to Harvard and your dad is not CEO of your dream company.

So, to help get your foot in the door at the company, and hopefully land what is called a “referral,” you need to really start meeting folks who can help connect you to opportunities, and when you find one at their company, they can help put your name in the system when you’re looking to find that internship.

Here’s a step-by-step process on how to do it:

  • After you’re identified the type of role and company you’re interested in, go on LinkedIn and go to the people’s tab on the company you want to apply to.
  • Find people who share a similar background or commonalities with you such as:
  • Alumni: This can be college, college master’s alumni, or high school. Even board of trustees could work.
  • National Organizations: Fraternities, Sororities, Non-Profits, Professional Groups.
  • Cultural or Ethnic Organizations: Groups or associations based on cultural or ethnic backgrounds.
  • Find a second-degree connection who could potentially intro you to that person. If you don’t, skip to #4.
  • Craft a short, professional message (see below) explaining you’re an interested student and asking time for a quick 15min call.
  • Prepare genuine, thoughtful questions about their experiences with the company and industry. Make sure they are not questions you can't just find online.
  • At the end of the call, offer ways you can help them and that you’d love to stay in touch.
  • If you feel the comfortable, ask politely if they have any advice or even potentially help or refer you if a role opens up. They may say no, and that is totally fine. If you don't feel comfortable doing this, no pressure at all. You can ask them in the future if you felt the conversation went well.
  • Follow-up with a thoughtful thank you email, regardless of if they give you a referral or not. They took the time to chat with you, so be sure to show your gratitude.
Hi Bahram,
Hope you’re doing well. I’m a rising senior at Babson College studying technology and design. I found your name online and it’s really great to see a Babson alum also working in [insert industry].
I’m really interested in a career in sports betting. I find the space fascinating and a great blend of gaming, entertainment, and tech. I saw you have great experience at FanDuel, and I’d love to chat with you about your experience at the firm and any advice you may have as I navigate my senior year.
Would you be open to hopping on a short 20min call sometime next week? Happy to propose time. Know you’re busy, so no pressure at all if not.


Billy Beane

Nailing the Interview

Preparing for your sports betting internship interview is essential to making a strong impression and landing the role. Start by researching the company thoroughly—know their products, services, and the latest industry news.

Brush up on common interview questions specific to the internship, like those related to data analysis, industry trends, and problem-solving scenarios.

Be ready to discuss your passion for sports betting and how it aligns with the company's goals. Tailor your answers to highlight relevant skills and experiences. Remember, asking insightful questions at the end to the interviewer shows your genuine interest in the role. 

Stay on the lookout for more posts about sports betting company interviews, but in the meantime, if you're interviewing at FanDuel, check out our detailed article on FanDuel interview questions and answers here for specific insights that can give you an edge.


Getting an internship in the sports betting industry can be challenging, but with the right approach, it’s absolutely doable. By understanding the types of internships available, tailoring your resume, mastering industry jargon, and building meaningful relationships, you can significantly improve your chances of securing a spot in this fast-growing field. 

Remember, persistence and a proactive attitude are key. Don’t be afraid to take risks and put yourself out there.

Your efforts will pay off, and soon enough, you’ll find yourself thriving in an exciting sports betting internship. You got this!

Follow the authors, Bahram, on LinkedIn and X and Royce on LinkedIn.