Barstool Sports Interview Questions & Answers (Expert Verified)

Snagging a job at Barstool is not easy. With over 60 million total social media followers, it is one of the most popular brands in sports betting. Thousands of people every month go to their careers page with the dream of landing a gig under Dave Portnoy.

As a result, standing out in the recruiting process can be tough.

That's where this article comes in handy.

Drawing from my 2 years of sports betting experience at FanDuel, along with deep research from sites like Blind and Glassdoor, I've assembled a list of 20 Barstool interview questions and strong sample answers to help you prepare better and succeed in your interview.

Whether you're a college student aiming to join Barstool or an industry professional seeking a career change, this guide will simplify your interview prep and give you a competitive edge.

Ready to apply? Click here to find all active Barstool Sports openings

First Things to Know

Before your Barstool Sports interview, it's critical to learn the company’s mission and core values. This helps you tailor your answers and show you understand and align with their principles, making a great impression.

Barstool Sports' mission and values are:

Rep the brand as best you can: Barstool Sports follows a "For the common man, by the common man" approach and is known as an unfiltered sports media outlet. The company is built for everyday people, so show pride in what Barstool Sports stands for and be comfortable embracing the company’s brand and culture for yourself and to others.

We have lots of different brains, be open to them: Recognizing unique ideas fosters creativity and innovation, enhancing collaboration and decision-making. Barstool has people from lots of different backgrounds and experiences, so valuing diverse thoughts ensures the company remains relatable and adaptable to its broad audience.

Never change who you are, that's who we hired: Unlike most companies that say they want you for your “personality,” Barstool actually means it. The company is a pioneer in “unfiltered” media and revolves around its individual, opinionated media personalities from Dave Portnoy, Dan "Big Cat" Katz, and beyond. They don’t want boring folks. They want you for who you are and the uniqueness you bring to the table. So don’t change yourself just to fit in. You’ll also save yourself a headache later.

Find the solution, don't be the problem: This is just a great value for any company you may work at. When you see a problem, find solutions quickly. Don’t be a blame victim. Be proactive and have folks look at you as a problem solver, not a problem creator.

Don't be afraid to try something new: This reflects Barstool's innovative spirit and unique approach to sports media. The company encourages employees to be creative and continuously experiment with new ideas, embracing the possibility of failure as part of the creative process.

Common Sense. Use it: This is straightforward. 

Be There for Your Audience: Barstool relies on its audience to thrive. When you think about a new project you want to do or a major decision while at the company, ask yourself, “How would the Barstool community feel about this?” Does this alienate them? Would they want to share this with their friends? By keeping the audience at the front of your mind, you will only succeed and create impactful experiences for the community

Always Think About How You Can Help: Be proactive, not reactive. Don't wait for tasks, seek out opportunities to add value. Identify problems and propose solutions to your manager. This proactive approach will showcase your initiative and demonstrate your value, earning you recognition and appreciation.

Ready to apply? Click here to find all active Barstool Sports openings

General Intro Barstool Sports Interview Questions

From my experience and according to Glassdoor, the first round of interviews is with a recruiter, followed by a hiring manager.

These interviews help the Barstool Sports team learn more about your personality, background, goals, and working style, ultimately to see if you’d meet the minimum requirements for the role.

Here are 12 general interview questions to prepare for:

  • Can you tell me about yourself? 
  • What interests you about working at Barstool Sports? Why specifically us?
  • What’s a Barstool story you found interesting recently and why?
  • What excites you about this role specifically?
  • How do you stay updated on developments in the sports industry? 
  • What do you think sets Barstool Sports apart from other companies in the industry? 
  • What do you see as the biggest challenges facing the sports media industry today? 
  • How do you think your skills and experiences align with the goals of Barstool Sports? 
  • What is the toughest decision you have made? Either at work or in your personal life
  • What motivates you? 
  • What do you like to do outside of work?
  • Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Hiring managers might ask you to elaborate on specific experiences, projects, or skills that they find interesting on your resume, so make sure you know them back to front.

Barstool Sports Experiences and Behavioral Interview Questions

After that, Barstool Sports will want to know about your work history and what you've done before that connects to the specific job you're applying for. This is usually also done with the initial hiring manager but will likely occur in the second round of interviews, too. When they ask, it's important to share specific stories and their impact. 

Here are some questions about your experience and background they might ask:

  • Describe a time when you had to be creative to solve a problem.
  • Our company's principles are [as mentioned above], can you provide an example of a time you met one of those values? 
  • Can you describe a time when you faced a significant challenge at work and how you overcame it? 
  • Can you tell me a time that you demonstrated leadership? What was the issue you’re trying to solve? What did you do? What was the outcome?
  • Describe a situation where you had to deal with a difficult colleague or client. How did you handle it? 
  • Can you tell me about a time when you made a mistake? How did you address it? 
  • Tell me about a time when you were asked to do something you had never done before. How did you tackle this issue? What did you learn? What was the result? 
  • Can you tell me about a time when you had to work closely with multiple different stakeholders? Give an example of a goal you reached and tell me how you achieved it. 
  • Describe a scenario where you had to juggle multiple important tasks simultaneously. How did you manage your time? 
  • Describe a situation in which you adapted a new system, technology, or idea at work that was a major departure from the old way of doing things. What was the process like and what’s the outcome?
  • Tell me about a time when you had to give someone difficult feedback. How did you approach it? 
  • Tell me about one of your favorite experiences working with a team and the impact you made.
  • Give an example of how you have motivated others. 
  • Describe a time when you went above and beyond the call of duty at work.

When you answer these questions, make sure to use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, and Result). You want to emphasize what you were doing, how and why you did it, and the yielded results, ideally quantifying your achievements.

This list only covers a portion of the behavioral interview questions that I’ve accumulated from my research and experience. We'll be posting more department-specific questions soon. So be sure to click here to subscribe so you don’t miss out!

Ready to apply? Click here to find all active Barstool Sports openings

Barstool Interview Questions with Sample Answers

Sample Question #1: What makes you interested in working at Barstool Sports? 

Why Are They Asking: Recruiters want to know why you’re specifically interested in Barstool compared to other sports media companies. They're looking for evidence that you've researched Barstool and understand what makes it unique. A custom, tailored response shows genuine interest, and shows them you’re serious about joining the company.

Example Answer: What attracts me most to Barstool Sports is its unique brand and commitment to "unfiltered" sports content, which really resonates with young, outspoken audiences like myself. Barstool is a market leader in sports media, with an innovative approach that spans blogs, podcasts, social media, and live events. I'd be thrilled to contribute to this growth and innovation.

As a daily consumer of Barstool content, I've seen how the company captivates its audience through creativity and authenticity. My personal favorite is The Pat Bev Podcast with Rone, where I get insider NBA info with a humorous twist. This blend of entertainment and insight is what makes Barstool so unique.

Working at Barstool isn't just about being part of a leading sports media company; it's about expressing my passion for sports in a fun, creative way. I'm excited about the chance to join a team that values authenticity and creativity while staying true to its audience.

You can see here I highlighted Barstool's unique "unfiltered" content and market leadership, showing my understanding of the brand. My personal engagement with Barstool's content adds authenticity. My enthusiasm for contributing to the company's creative and innovative environment aligns well with Barstool's values.

Sample Questions #2: Describe a situation where you had to deal with a difficult colleague or client. How did you handle it? 

Why Are They Asking: Recruiters want to assess your teamwork skills and conflict resolution abilities. They are also evaluating your communication skills and emotional intelligence to see how well you navigate interpersonal challenges in the workplace. Your answer should highlight a specific conflict, how you dealt with it, and the positive outcome, demonstrating your capability to handle difficult situations effectively.

Example Answer: In my previous role as a growth marketing analyst at Acme Inc. in the real estate industry, I worked closely with a marketing manager to utilize Salesforce data to develop a suitable social media strategy for growing the company's online presence. The manager was known for being demanding and often changing requirements at the last minute, creating challenges in meeting deadlines and maintaining project quality. One time, he requested a switch to a completely different dataset just two days before the deadline.

To prevent future issues, I maintained open communication by regularly checking in with the manager to ensure my work aligned with his goals. I also set boundaries and expressed my concerns, explaining that such changes affected my productivity and work quality. I had this conversation calmly and non-confrontationally to ensure he didn't take it personally. As a result, the manager realized his mistakes and ensured this wouldn't happen again.

This answer clearly addresses the situation, my actions, and the positive outcome. It demonstrates my people skills and ability to handle conflicts in the workplace. Additionally, mentioning that I approached the conversation calmly and non-confrontationally highlights my emotional intelligence.

Sample Question #3: Can you tell me about a time when you made a mistake? How did you address it?

Why Are They Asking: Recruiters ask this question to assess your accountability and how you handle mistakes. They want to see if you take responsibility for your actions and can be honest about your errors. Being open about past failures, describing how you addressed them, and explaining the measures you took to prevent them from happening again demonstrates your ability to learn and grow from your experiences.

Example Answer: In my previous role as a financial analyst intern at a sporting goods company, I was responsible for researching the running shoes industry landscape for Canadian markets and creating a presentation for my manager. Unfortunately, I mistakenly used data from the 2022 industry report instead of the 2023 report.

Upon realizing the mistake, I immediately informed my manager and stayed after hours to create a new presentation. I was able to submit the corrected presentation the next day. Although it was a day late, my manager was pleased was appreciative that I acknowledged my fault and moved quickly to solve it. This experience taught me the importance of double-checking my work both during and after completion and being upfront about mistakes I caused. Since then, the trust between myself and my manager grew stronger, and I haven't repeated this error in my career since.

This answer shows my accountability, problem-solving skills, and commitment to quality. By informing my manager of the mistake and working extra hours to correct it, I demonstrate responsibility and dedication. Highlighting the strengthened trust and lessons learned underscores my growth and ability to handle mistakes constructively.

We hope this guide serves as a helpful tool to help you navigate through the interview process at Barstool Sports. They are looking for creative and talented individuals in roles ranging from media, content, marketing, and finance. 

Ready to start? Click here to see current Barstool Sports openings. 

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Not sure which sports betting job suits you? Dive into our review of The Top 10 Best Sports Betting Jobs for 2024.

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